Friday, September 18, 2009

We Aren't Just Planning a Wedding...

While in the process of planning a wedding, Matt and I have also been realistic. I think many couples get wrapped up in the idea of a wedding and forget that after the honeymoon you will have a completely different life. So really, we aren't planning a wedding at all. We are planning a marriage! How exciting! :-)

So while planning for the life after the honeymoon, we have been hunting for houses. W hile the interest rates are low and we are trying to get in on the $8,000 tax credit for first-time homebuyers, it seems like a good time to look. However, I had no idea how overwhelming this process could be. I just have one thing to say... planning a wedding is nothing compared to buying a house. The search for a house has been on for a couple of months. We have found some that we really like, but we will see if things go as planned. There are so many pros and cons to getting a house at this point. We are trying to weigh things out right now, while prayerfully considering God's plan for our lives at this point. But to be honest, I feel like I'm living in an episode of HGTV's "House Hunters" :-)

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